Cover My favorite camera

 産業研究用に開発された私のBarnack Leica If Red Dial

ライカカメラは1914年にオスカー・バルナックが発明・製造したカメラで、通称バルナックライカと呼ばれています。このカメラは1950年代後半の Leica If です。現代では使いにくいですが、慣れるとこのカメラの良さが分かります。
Serial number 815246
The Leica camera was invented and manufactured by Oskar Barnack in 1914, and is commonly known as the Barnack camera. This camera was made in the 1950s.
It's difficult to use nowadays, but once you get used to it, you'll appreciate its great features.
First of all, it's light. Subsequent Leica cameras have become increasingly heavier.
Once you realize that it's good enough for taking photos, you won't be able to let it go.
Because it's light, you can carry it with you at all times and capture your encounters with your subjects in photos.
It's just like a smartphone.However, at the time, this camera cost as much as building a new house. Now it would cost about 20 million yen.
 It's a vintage camera made over 70 years ago.
I take good care of it, but it's the camera I use most often.
 Serial number 815246

